It is time to go to sleep.


Alan found a doorknob and turned it. The door creaked open, allowing the light to change almost impercipibly. The merciful dim light of the moon offered him enough light to see his surroundings:
One bed. A quilt that would appear to have a whirlwind of colors if it had not been cast into pale shades of blue and gray in the starlight. A chair and a desk, a blank sheet of loose leaf paper on the floor. The rest of the room was bare, save for a small painting of the very same plains outside the window. Alan sighed. Life could be worse.
Resigned, Alan dropped down his satchel onto the chair. He had almost forgotten the weight on his shoulders. He considered changing into his nightclothes, or at least taking off his sweater, but it was too cold for him to expose more skin than he already had. Just thinking about the cold gave him a chill. Even though he used to live up North, he still hated the cold more than anything. And it was only going to get colder, too...
Alan shuffled under the quilt. It was surprisingly comfortable and warm. Alan smiled to himself, letting him slip into the secret place in his mind, the place where he was a small mammal curled up in a burrow. It was what he always imagined to fall asleep.
He passed out in minutes.


Audrey heard Alan creak open his door, and realized that she was going to have to find her own room. She patted the walls in search for a doorframe. Blind as a bat, she found herself thinking. It was something her mother used to say.
Upon this thought, she found the smooth and cold sense of a copper knob. She turned it, and with a gracious and satisfying click she opened the door.
She flopped on the bed practically the second she saw it, and let out a big sigh. Her face in the pillows, she let her breathing slow. The old, grandmotherly smell of the bed calmed her. She hadn't even realized she'd been holding her breath the whole time...
She turned over to her side and took off her backpack. Absentmindedly, she looked through it for her phone. She took it out, turned it on and found it with 4% of its battery left. And, of course, no reception out here in the middle of nowhere.
Audrey threw her phone across the room. She wasn't frustrated, this is just something she does every time she remembers that it's unhealthy to be on her phone that late at night. She turned back onto the pillow and focused on her breathing.
At long last, she passed out.


Francis followed Audrey into the room, too tired to go through the effort of finding their own room on their own. They heard the door creak open, and then the sound of Audrey flopping onto her bed. They slowly and carefully crept out - nearly jumping in shock at every floorboard they made creak.
With Audrey very quickly passing out nearby, Francis considered lying down next to her. There was enough space in the bed for the both of them, yes, but sharing a bed with someone else does seem a bit intimate for someone you just met. But then there's not really anywhere else to sleep...
Francis decided to just go to sleep on the bed as far as possible from the sleeping Audrey. They crawled up into the bed, went under the covers (Audrey didn't bother to put the covers over herself) and curled up facing away from her. They closed their eyes and attempted to sleep.
Francis had a nightmare that night.