a round, green, ceramic creature with no facial features besides a large mouth. It has a fat body and 4 stubby legs. the same creature as above but in a red color. The same creature but this time painted white! Yet again another similar creature, this one painted a dark green.

The Digby Lore Respositry

Digby Lore these days is hard to come by. After years and years of Digbies living under the radar, finally scraps of knowledge made its way to the surface. The truth is this: Every Digby is different. Every Digby is singing. Every Digby is a creature of time.

Stored on this page is all the knowledge we have on the mysterious animals known as Digbies.

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Types of Digbies the Digby Life Cycle

A very large and fat version of the creatures described above. Unlike the others, instead of standing on its 4 legs it is sitting up on its butt like a baby. Compared to the other creatures, it has a more defined head and bigger mouth. To the right of it, there is a normal-sized creature as scale. It is much smaller than the fat creature in both height and width.

The Protodigby

The Protodigby is the first and largest of all Digbies. She has been known to Munch, Devour, Consume, and sleep. It is mostly a peaceful creature but its voice is the loudest of all Digbies. For example, if the Protodigby is in one room of a house and you are across the street in a different room, chances are you will hear her sing.

The protodigby is not a mother, but will still care for the smaller Digbies for fun. She can fit the really small ones inside her mouth and carry them around like a pelican with a fish.

The Protodigby's favorite foods are:
- Granules of any kind
- Soft leaves
- Wet cardboard
- Demons

3 Digbies (What I'm calling the creatures) seemingly mashed together in a conjoined triplet way. It is black and shiny, like obsidian or just really dark metal.

Ceberus, The Digby King

The Digby King is the pack leader of all Digbies. He is created when 3 plain Digbies combine into one creature through reverse mitosis. This way, the Digby King can sing 3 notes at once with each of his 3 mouths.

The Digby king isn't really in charge of anything political. He is simply the leader of the group whenever they go on trips to somewhere they aren't familiar with. He has 3 brains, which means a great sense of direction.

A blue Digby with a slightly elongated mouth and stubbier legs.

Father Digby

The Father Digby is the one who raised all the little Digbies in the pack. He is very resourceful and kind because that's the sort of thing you learn when you have over 10 sons to take care of!

Even though he has many sons, he knows them very well and recognizes how unique they are from each other. He often takes them on trips to the park and teaches them Digby Math (it's just shapes). Without Father Digby, who knows where the Digby pack would be today!

Father Digby, even though he's very capable, is getting old. His sons are now old enough to live on their own. Soon they will have to take care of him, until he spits out 5 miniature Digbies... That is the Digby circle of life.

Two Digbies side by side. One has very rough edges, like the bark on a tree and is painted brown. The other is blue and has small holes dotting its body.

Elder Digbies

Sometimes, when a Digby gets old, it undergoes mitosis late or not at all. After these Digbies reach their time, they start to turn into something more fungal. A symbiotic fungi that lives in every Digbie's stomach (It helps them digest food) takes its chance to sprout a new flower. It is not a painful process, but it is closest to death a Digby can get.

When they are in the middle of turning into a mushroom, they can either become soft and fragile, like a wet piece of bark, or become textured and hard, like a dry piece of bark.

A group of digbies with fearsome sharp teeth and large mouths.
a ceramic statue of a dog, similar to the Digbies with its round body and stubby legs, but also different for its bit more detailed features. It is holding a corncob in its mouth. The statue is painted red except for the corn cob which is yellow. Similar to the dog, it shares some features with Digbies but also has more detail in its body. It is a cat with a long tail pointing upright and a painted-on face with a content expression.


Digby-esques are found alongside Digbies. Because they share an ecological niche (small and round ceramic creatures), Digby-esques are closely to distantly related to Digbies on an ecological scale. There are many Digby-esque creatures, counting every species would take forever because they evolve very quickly. They evolve so fast that there is at least one Digby-esque (or related to a Digby-esque) creature in each and every ecosystem on Earth, even cities. Keep a look out for new kinds of Digbies!

The Digby Life Cycle

The life cycle of a digby is not unlike how a clam creates its pearl. The reason why Digbies eat so many granules is not because they need it for nutrition - it is to smooth down the small pearl inside of them. The pearl is not the kind of pearl you may find in a clam. It is an egg that just looks a lot like a pearl because it is white and shiny. Outside the pearl, granules sink and absorb into the membrane of the egg. In the membrane they undergo a process of breaking down the granules into something very small, small enough to build a very smooth digby baby. (Other granules go elsewhere, but I will elaborate upon that in the section about their digestive system.)

The baby Digby is born after the parent spits out the pearl right before it becomes too big for their body to hold. The baby Digby, after a few hours, will break out of its pearl by singing its first note. The first note they sing will be so loud that it will cause their pearl to vibrate enough to break apart into the granules it was comprised of. The baby immediately eats these granules thus contributing to the pearl already beginning to form in their own stomachs.